Saturday, August 27, 2011

More Updates...

Hi everyone,

just wanted to give you all a brief update on the progress of our current production as well as some new developments. 
                      We are rapidly drawing close to the last day of principal photography of Villanelle. September 10, 2011 will mark the last shoot for this film. We look forward to reuniting with Rich Tretheway, as well as being graced with the combined talents of Gio Castellano, Mark Carter and Alexandra Cipolla to help bring this intense scene to life.  
                       That second weekend of September will prove to be a quite productive one, as the following day, September 11, we begin rolling on a short film project combining action, suspense and sci-fi elements. While we can't divulge any spoilers on this project, we can say that this first shoot will include the talents of Alexis Ann Rosario, Gio Castellano, Alexandra Cipolla, and Danielle Tellier, and will be one of a few shorts that will serve almost as a mini-serial, in that each ends on a cliffhanger. We look forward to beginning production on this project, and will update you all with more details as they become available. 

As always, be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and check out the official website

Twitter:  @Cut_ToThe_Chase


Official Site:

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Villanelle" update


September 10, 2011 will mark the last shooting date for principal photography on "Villanelle". In the interim, we have been fortunate to acquire an addition to our fine cast to help bring one of the film's pivotal scenes to life. We proudly welcome Alexandra Cipolla to our cast. Alexandra will be joining Rich Tretheway, Gio Castellano, and Mark Carter for what looks to be a great, epic shoot. 

Stay tuned for more updates

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Junction Valley won 3 awards at the Best of 48 Hour!!

Hello all,

last night was the screening and award ceremony of the Best of the 48 hour film projects. Cut to the Chase Productions was proud to have been recognized as one of the best films in the festival, and was awarded Best Art Direction, Best Costumes/Makeup, and Best Location (Use of)! We were honored to receive the recognition for our efforts and Cut to the Chase would again like to extend its deepest gratitude to all cast and crew involved in the production. It was a wonderful experience to make this film and forge new professional relationships in the process. We are happy to have our efforts rewarded and anticipate many great things come.